21 Interesting Ways To Use Coffee Grounds In The Garden

There are so many ways on how to use coffee grounds in the garden. So instead of throwing away any leftover from freshly brewed coffee, you might as well put it to good use by using it in your garden. This valuable waste can benefit your precious plants in so many ways. Read on to learn some of the most interesting ways to use coffee grounds in the garden.
1. Acid-Loving Plants

Image Credit: Pennington
If you have acid loving plants in your garden, then sprinkle the coffee grounds on them. The coffee can help to make the soil acidic, which is exactly what these plants need in order to grow. Regularly supplying your acid loving plants with coffee grounds can make them grow healthily. Some examples are azaleas, blueberries and rhododendrons.
2. Aeration

Image Credit: Sustainable Agriculture
Compacted soil can be a problem for the plants growing in your garden. Since the soil is compressed, the roots of the plants won’t be able to get the nutrients that they need. So pour coffee grounds on the soil to help break the soil up. This process is called aeration. Small holes will then be created after breaking up the soil. As such, nutrients, oxygen and water can now easily get into the roots of the plants.
3. Blueberries

Image Credit: Homelife
Blueberries are included in the list of plants that like coffee grounds. As mentioned previously, acidic loving plants like Blueberries love coffee. These plants do not need plenty of fertilizer. However, they can get a boost from coffee. Sprinkle the grinds directly to the soil where the plants grow. Do this after every two weeks.
4. Carrots

Image Credit: Tech Crunch
Another plant that can benefit from the use of coffee grounds is the carrot. The coffee helps to give these vegetables a boost of energy, which helps to stimulate their growth. So here’s how to apply coffee grounds in the vegetable garden. Use the coffee grounds while sowing the seeds in the soil. Mix the seeds with soil so it makes sowing much easier. This also helps to keep the seedlings safe from diseases and pests.
5. Cat Repellent

Image Credit: Balconygardenweb
Pour coffee grounds in the garden to prevent those pesky cats from attacking your precious plants. Cats maybe cute, but they can be pretty annoying especially if they keep on digging the soil and end up causing damage to your plants. So sprinkle the coffee grounds all over the area that surrounds your garden. Cats are sensitive to smell and the smell of coffee will scare them away.
6. Compost

Image Credit: Shareably
Add the coffee grounds to your compost pile along with other food wastes. The grounds are said to contain generous amount of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and copper. All these nutrients can help in the successful growth of your plants. Moreover, if you hate the smell of your compost, then add grounds to the mixture. The coffee will aerate the mixture and will mop up the extra moisture, thereby, keeping the foul smell away.
7. Drainage

Image Credit: Growseed
Poor drainage could lead to water stagnant and will make your plants susceptible to diseases. Thus, another way that coffee can benefit your garden is in providing good drainage. Apply generous amount of coffee grounds in the soil on your garden. That way, the grounds can help break down the soil and will allow for better water drainage.
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8. Earthworms

Image Credit: Pinterest
Coffee is filled with nutrients that make them highly attractive to earthworms. As you know, earthworms are beneficial to your plants since they plow the soil and allow water and air to get into the roots. So feed the worms with coffee grounds to encourage their presence. In fact, these worms could carry the coffee particles deep down into the soil. This can help to bring in more nutrients into your plants.
9. Fertilizer

Image Credit: Thriftyfun
You want a cheap and easy way to fertilize your plants? Use coffee grounds! Coffee helps your plants by providing them with a good amount of nitrogen. This is especially beneficial for vegetables and leafy greens, such as cabbage and spinach. Simply add a good amount of coffee to the soil where the vegetables grow. In no time, you will notice your vegetables are healthier than ever.
10. Flower Vases

Image Credit: Ognature
Freshen the flowers in your flower vases using coffee grounds. Cut flowers could last longer if you add coffee into them. So after you picked flowers in your garden, sprinkle some coffee grounds in them before putting in the vase. In fact, the coffee can also double as an air freshener. The aromatic smell of coffee can add to the fresh scent of the flower.
11. Fungal Disease

Image Credit: Epicgardening
Prevent fungal diseases in your plants by using coffee grounds in the vegetable garden. The grounds are said to actually create their own helpful form of fungus. When you pour coffee into the soil where your vegetables grow, the natural fungus and mold colonies found on coffee can help to suppress fungal rots and wilts among your plants. As such, common plant diseases like fungus can be greatly prevented.
12. Hydrangeas

Image Credit: Napa Valley Register
This is perhaps the most interesting of all – using coffee grounds to change the color of Hydrangeas! Sweet alkaline soil will produce pink blooms for Hydrangea flowers. On the other hand, adding a bit of extra acidity will make them produce blue flowers. Thus, if your Hydrangea produces pink flowers, feed a good amount of coffee grounds in them. Once they start producing flowers, you will surely notice a change of color.
13. Lawn

Image Credit: Perfect World Landscapes
Use coffee grounds to make your grasses greener. In fact, a lot of experts can attest that the use of coffee grounds for grass can make them stronger and less susceptible to weeds. This is because grass loves the coffee due to the nutrients that it gives. Thus, they will grow greener and thicker. Simply mix half a pound of coffee to five gallons of water. Place the mixture in a spray and apply directly to the grasses in your lawn.
14. Mulch

Image Credit: Pennlive
Use coffee grounds as mulch if you want an inexpensive way of perking up the soil in your garden. However, you should only sprinkle a minimal amount. As you know, coffee tends to get compacted easily due to their small size. Thus, if you apply them in a thick layer, they could prevent air circulation and water drainage. It is best to mix the grounds with other organic mulches that are bigger in size.
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15. Pests

Image Credit: Lifebuzz
Scare the pests off your garden using coffee grounds. Simply sprinkle coffee grounds on the garden edges and right above the soil to repel the pesky pests. They simply dislike the smell of caffeine so they will avoid going into your garden. So if you notice that unwanted visitors are visiting your garden, simply spread the coffee grounds all over it. In no time, these pests will disappear.
16. Roses

Image Credit: Hunker
The use of coffee grounds for roses is popular. A growing number of gardeners could attest that the use of coffee has made their roses produce more blooms. As mentioned above, acidic loving plants love the presence of coffee. In case you didn’t know, roses love to thrive on acidic soil. There are two ways on how you can use coffee grounds for roses. First, add the coffee grinds in a compost and spread the mixture around your roses. Another option is to sprinkle the coffee grounds at the base of the plant. Both options should help to keep your roses grow healthier and fuller.
17. Snails and slugs

Image Credit: Saga
Spread dry coffee into your plants to deter soft-bellied pests, such as the snails and slugs. The coffee particles may not be that sharp, but they can still irritate these pests. Repeat the application as often as necessary. Soon, you will notice that these pesky pests would no longer want to pay your garden a visit.
18. Soil Texture

Image Credit: Growseed
Add a thick layer of coffee grounds to the soil in your garden to improve its texture. In fact, the grounds will not only improve the soil texture but will also enhance the soil’s organic content. Since coffee is slightly acidic, it will lower the soil’s pH level. Moreover, they are slow to break down and can eventually release a good amount of nutrients to the plants in an extended period of time.
19. Tomatoes

Image Credit: Gardeninginfozone
Tomatoes are also on the list of plants that like coffee grounds. The nitrogen can help to give the plant a boost. Just like with most vegetables, tomatoes need nitrogen in order to grow healthy and strong. Moreover, the nitrogen can also help the tomato roots to become even stronger and will boost the plant’s ability to be able to produce chlorophyll. As you know, chlorophyll is an important component of photosynthesis.
20. Water Retention

Image Credit: Phys
The last thing that plants want is an extremely dry soil. This can be a common problem for those who live in regions that are dry and arid, where drought is a common occurrence. Remember that if your plants cannot get enough water, they will end up wilting and will eventually die. So apply coffee grounds into the soil to promote water retention. The grounds can help to improve water retention and this means that your plants can do more by using only less water.
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21. Wood Staining

Image Credit: Jrstimberfencing
This may not benefit your garden directly, but if you use wood as fencing or as a planter in your garden, then you would be happy to know that coffee can also be used in staining the wood. A stained wooden fence can help to improve the aesthetics of your garden. To do this, simply mix the coffee grounds with water. Grab a staining brush and apply the coffee mixture directly to the wood.
Final Thoughts
By using coffee grounds in the garden, whether the grounds are from your own personal use or from coffee shops, you are somehow helping the environment by turning an organic waste into a plant food that your plants will surely love!
Wow these are all such creative ideas. I love the wood staining idea and am going to try it once the rain stops!