21 Low Maintenance Shrubs Anyone Can Grow

There are plenty of low maintenance shrubs that anyone can grow in their garden. However, there are certain factors that you must also take into consideration when choosing which plant to grow. No matter how self-sufficient a shrub is, but if it will not make your garden or landscaping to look any better, you will still not feel happy about it. So here’s a list of some of the best low maintenance shrubs that you can grow with less effort.
1. Archer’s Gold Lemon Thyme

Image Credit: Wikimedia
This plant is actually a lemon flavored evergreen herb, which is a must have for the kitchen. It is often used in salads, marinades, etc. This herb does not require a lot of maintenance in order to thrive. It can grow up to 10 inches tall and about 12 inches wide.
2. Blue Lyme Grass

Image Credit: Pinterest
This attractive blue leafed grass can be grown in your garden with ease. It can potentially grow up to 3 feet tall and is a truly aggressive grower. The shrub can endure any type of soil conditions but the best thing about it is that it has no known serious pest problems.
3. Chinese Fringe Tree

Image Credit: UK College of Agriculture
This is a highly prized tree that can be grown in your garden or lawn without a lot of maintenance. In fact, it only needs to be watered at least once a week in order to survive. The tree features beautiful upright branches that will form a dome shape once fully grown.
4. Common Pearlbush

Image Credit: provenwinners
This flowering shrub can grow up to a height of about 10 feet. Considered as one of the best flowering shrubs for full sun, the Pearlbush can survive drought and arid conditions. Furthermore, this tough shrub can adapt extremely well to a wide range of soil conditions. It produces beautiful white blossoms during late April and will add beauty to your garden in spring.
5. Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce

Image Credit: Monrovia
This dwarf shrub resembles the shape of a globe once fully grown. It has a flat top and is often densely branched. Its bright blue needles give off beautiful blue colors all year round, though it tends to be brighter during summer. This plant is easy to care for and it’s highly resistant to deer and other animals. Thus, it is one of the best evergreen shrubs for front of house.
6. Firelight Spirea

Image Credit: The Spruce
Also known as the Goldflame, the Firelight Spirea is one of the most commonly grown shrubs when it comes to landscaping. It is mostly favored because of its beautiful golden leaves that shine even brightly under the sun. The plant does not require a lot of maintenance and is not a heavy feeder. However, it would help if you consider amending its soil with compost.
7. Fireworks Goldenrod

Image Credit: Artistic Law
This is another low maintenance shrub that will give your yard lots of color. During late summer, this flowering shrub produces yellow sprays of tiny flowers. These flowers resemble the beautiful glow of fireworks, thus, the name. Aside from being extremely easy to grow, the shrub is also bee-friendly. Furthermore, it can thrive well in various soil conditions.
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8. Flameleaf Sumac

Image Credit: monrovia
This is another colorful shrub that requires only a little amount of care. Moreover, the shrub can grow well even on neglected areas. It is capable of growing up to 30 feet high during its maturity. Although this shrub would prefer to grow on well-drained soil, it can also thrive in infertile soil conditions. Thus, it makes for an excellent choice of plant for those looking for a low maintenance shrub to grow.
9. Forsythia Bush

Image Credit: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
This bush can certainly add a dramatic flair to your yard. It’s easy to grow and care for. Furthermore, the shrub enjoys growing under full sunlight. Thus, if you want to grow small flowering shrubs for full sun, this plant would be perfect! Its brilliant yellow flowers can certainly make your front yard to stand out.
10. Hibiscus

Image Credit: Provenwinners
The Hibiscus is another flowering shrub that is known for being low maintenance. Thus, growing this plant is an easy way to enhance the look of your lawn. However, during their blooming stage, the shrubs will require lots of water. Furthermore, the plant needs heavy watering especially when the weather is warm. But once the weather gets cold, the plant will no longer need utmost care and watering.
11. Hydrangea Bush

Image Credit: Davy’s Louisiana Gardening Blog
Although the hydrangeas are available in several different types, most varieties can be grown under full or partial sun. These flowering shrubs do not really require a lot of maintenance, but water is an important factor for their growth. These low maintenance shrubs would require deep watering once a week, especially when the weather is dry.
12. Lavender

Image Credit: Panoramio
The lavender is an easy to care plant that enjoys growing under hot and dry conditions. Thus, it is also the best choice of flowering shrubs for full sun. It is suitable for all kinds of landscape setting since it can thrive in various types of soil conditions. In fact, the shrubs can also thrive on areas that are prone to drought.
13. Moonshadow Euonymus

Image Credit: HGTV
The Moonshadow Euonymus is one of the best evergreen shrubs for front of house. This attractive woody evergreen vine is easy to care and maintain. Aside from the occasional pruning, there really isn’t anything to do for its maintenance. Some vines can crawl up to 70 feet high, and thus, pruning is necessary in order to keep them under control.
14. Northern Bayberry

Image Credit: Gardening in Tune with Nature
This plant is known for producing suckers and colonies, and thus, it is a great choice of shrubs for mass plantings in your garden or yard. These semi-evergreen shrubs can reach up to 12 feet high on its maturity. When fully grown, the plant forms a bushy and rounded shape on those areas exposed under full sun. The best thing about these low maintenance shrubs is that they can withstand longer periods of drought.
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15. Oakleaf Hydrangea

Image Credit: Proven Winners
The oakleaf hydrangea is another variety of hydrangea bushes that is recognized by its foliage, which resembles that of an oak tree. The bushes can grow under shady areas, which make them very versatile. However, if you want it to produce more flowers, then you should give it a little more sun. Aside from being drought tolerant, the oakleaf hydrangea is virtually disease free.
16. Purple Prince Butterfly Bush

Image Credit: Proven Winners
This is another flowering bush that can help to enhance the look of your garden. Its fragrant purple flowers attract bees and butterflies. Furthermore, the plant can only be grown under full sunlight, though it is very adaptable to both moist and dry areas. It’s not very particular on the type of soil or the pH level and its well capable of handling urban pollution and environmental salt.
17. Quartz Rose Verbena

Image Credit: ForGardening
The Quartz Rose Verbena demands a full sun location, and thus, this is one of the best small flowering shrubs for full sun. When grown under low light areas, the shrubs will bloom poorly. Thus, choose a sunny location to grow this flowering bush if you want it to produce ample amount of flowers. Above all, plant it in a soil that has adequate drainage.
18. Rockspray Cotoneaster

Image Credit: Brenlissa Online Nursery
The Rockspray Cotoneaster produces small and roundish leaves, which provides a perfect contrast to larger leafed plants. The branching of the plant is stiff, which gives it a rather bristly look. Although these plants are among the most drought tolerant shrubs, it’s best not to abuse their tolerance while they are still young.
19. Sweet Pepperbush

Image Credit: Blogspot
This plant can adapt easily to soil conditions that are moist, which makes it one of the best choices of shrubs to grow for a wide variety of soil. It can also thrive on wet soils that have poor drainage. It can grow under sunny and lightly shaded areas and in the middle of the summer, this flowering shrub will produce fragrant blooms.
20. Weigela

Image Credit: jacksonandperkins
For as long as you grow the Weigela in the right area and feed it with adequate water, you should not have any problem in growing this beautiful flowering shrub. Grow the shrub under a full sunshade and in an area that has moist and well draining soil. Prune and fertilize the plant at least once a year or when needed.
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21. Wooly Thyme

Image Credit: Dobbies
Grow the Woolly Thyme under full sun since it is among those plants that can perfectly tolerate hot sunny locations. Protect the plants with occasional spraying of organic pesticides. Aside from the occasional watering during the hottest months, the plant can simply be ignored.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this list of low maintenance shrubs can give you an idea on which shrub can grow best in your garden or lawn.